Filozófiánk, hogy a versenyzésen kívül, abban is segítsünk a kerékpáros  sporttársaknak, hogyan készüljenek fel egy hazai túrára, vagy akár a CrossAlps-ra. A mentális és fizikai felkészítés mellett kerékpár kezelési praktikákban, és akár a kerékpár szervizelésében is segítséget nyújtunk, valamint klub programokat szervezünk.

Hírek és beszámolók

Crosskovacsi marathon: DNF…

Well, it happens, a day where just everything feels wrong… But, to be honest, I kind of had expected it.

Crosskovacsi marathon: DNF…

After last weekends mudfest, I had a meeting with the allergologist to look into my breathingproblems and the tests did explain what I felt: only 71% of my bronchien are free, this would be the result of the asthmatic allergies that I had weeks ago. And this week, the second wave of allergy has reached its top, the grass pollen this time killing me L. But, it’ s all ok, nothing I can do really, my lungs will recover in some weeks and for the next years, the doctor adviced me to start a treatment called “immunotherapy” in January. So, now I can understand better why I can’ t perform and I can live with it. Mtb is my hobby, and to be healthy is a lot more important, so, I’ll listen to my body from now on!

But, after feeling the huge grass problems on Tuesday when riding with the boys, somehow, things got worse again. By Thursday I felt weird stuff even with headaches and so the normal reaction would be to stay home. But this race is our “homerace”, so why not to go and give it a try? (yep, so far for listening the body, aaahhh)

So, already in the warming up, I felt that everything was off, heartrate was funny, legs felt like rubber, my back hurted, enough to stop dreaming, but ok, 10.30, time to hit it! We started the first small loop, and maybe in another couple of years, I’ll be smart enough already to know after 6kms that it would have been best to go home. I was struggeling hard and my legs were already filling with lactate from this small startloop, but, being still too stupid, I continued. I hoped by riding smart, just finding my own pace, that I would be able to make it to the finish, but nope. Every climb I was losing energy fast and I never recovered at all. So, km 35: game over! I knew it was over and the only good thing was to get out of the race, but that meant to get to km 50 and wow, even just pedaling to there was like climbing the mount Everest (well I suppose that also feels bad J ). Reaching the finish after 50km (normally another 25km loop from here) was like the biggest accomplishment and so, in a way, I was happy to grab my stuff and to go home.

Thanks to Linda for giving me fresh bottles of hi5, sorry I didn’t come to collect the last one L.

Time to give my body some rest now, not sure what’s going to happen now..




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